Bronze Age | Iron Age | Age of Enlightenment | New Age | Viking Age | The Age | Queens of the Stone Age | Stone Age | Ice Age | Golden Age | Human migration | Islamic Golden Age | bird migration | Jazz Age | Gilded Age | First Age | Dutch Golden Age | Bird migration | ice age | Golden Age of Comic Books | Age of X | Third Age | The Age of Innocence | new age | Age of Empires | Advertising Age | This Day and Age | Dragon Age | The Age of Innocence (1993 film) | Nordic Bronze Age |
They date to the late Iron Age, from the end of the Migration Age to the early Viking Age, particularly what is referred to in Norway as the Merovingian era, in Sweden as the Vendel era, from 550 to about 800, but can be hard to date because they are often found in contexts that do not establish date.