
3 unusual facts about Miguel de Molinos

Gene Edwards

Besides his own books on devotional living and Christian community, Edwards also edited and republished out-of-print works by a selection of quietist Catholic mystics including Madame Guyon, François Fénelon, Miguel de Molinos, as well as Brother Lawrence.

Miguel de Molinos

In March 1680, the Jesuit preacher Paolo Segneri wrote to Oliva, proposing a book defending meditation against the quietists’ teaching.

Christian Renoux, 'Quietism', in The Papacy: An Encyclopedia, vol 3, edited by Philippe Levillain, 3 vols, (London: Routledge, 2002)

Laurenz Forer

He wrote one or more treatises each against the apostates Reihing and de Dominis, and against Melchior Nicolai (1578–1659), Hottinger, Kallisen, Schopp, Molinos, Haberkorn, Voet, Hoe, the Ubiquists, and others.

see also