The three films were produced by Jack Binder, with whom Mike formed Sunlight Productions and whom produced The Mind of the Married Man , Alex Gartner (Upside of Anger) and Michael Rotenberg (Man About Town and Reign over Me), .
His standing in the industry further increased with his 20-episode 2001-02 HBO comedy series, The Mind of the Married Man, which he co-wrote, co-directed and starred in as the central character "Micky Barnes".
His independently-produced film The Sex Monster won "Best Film" and Binder won "Best Actor" at the 2001 Comedy Arts Festival in Aspen.
St Clair's composition "Different World" was used in the soundtrack to the film Iffy; whilst "If I Fall in Love with You" was in the Mike Binder film, The Upside of Anger (2005), starring Kevin Costner.
Mike Tyson | Mike Oldfield | Mike Harris | Mike Nattrass | Mike Leigh | Mike Watt | Mike Mignola | Mike Gordon | Mike | Mike Nichols | Mike Rutherford | Mike Wallace | Mike Stern | Mike Huckabee | Mike Ditka | Mike Figgis | Mike Rowe | Mike Reid | Mike Portnoy | Mike Piazza | Mike Mills | Mike Varney | Mike Mansfield | Mike Easley | Mike Douglas | Mike Wallace (journalist) | Mike Viola | Mike Howlett | Mike Curb | Mike Chapman |