
4 unusual facts about Mike Quill

Matthew Guinan

Following a bitter New York City transit strike (for which Guinan and other leaders spent nine days in jail after refusing to call it off), President Mike Quill died at age 60, and Guinan succeeded his longtime friend.

Mike Quill

The CP was at that time in the last years of its ultrarevolutionary Third Period, when it sought to form revolutionary unions outside the American Federation of Labor.

Quill's IRA record of service was confirmed by his commanding officer John Joe Rice, Kerry 2nd Brigade years later to Quill's widow Shirley.

Nathan Feinsinger

Although the city won an injunction against the strike and jailed the union's 61-year-old ailing president, Mike Quill, Feinsinger quickly led both sides into a rapid series of give-and-take bargaining sessions which ended the bitter wintertime strike after just 13 days.

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