
unusual facts about Mikhailov

Aleksander Józef Lisowski

In 1608 together with Aleksander Kleczkowski, leading his forces - a band of few hundred rag tag soldiers of fortune: Don Cossacks, Ruthenians, Tatars, Germans, Swedes, Poles, Lithuanians and who knows what others, he defeated army of tsar Vasili Shuisky led by Zakhary Lyapunov and Ivan Khovansky near Zaraysk and captures Mikhailov and Kolomna and moves on to the blockade of Moscow.

Alexander Ivanovich Mikhailov

From the 1960s to the 1980s, Mikhailov had considerable participation in the International Federation for Information and Documentation, became two times vice-director of the institute (1969 to 1976 - 1981 to 1988), coordinating the Study Committee Research on Theoretical Basis of Information, or FID/RI and became the editor-in-chief of the institute periodical, International Forum for Information and Documentation, between 1975 and 1988.

Freehand lace

There are a few areas with a living tradition, like Dalarna and Skåne in Sweden, several areas in Slovakia, Cogne and Pescocostanzo in Italy, and Mikhailov in Russia.


In 1608, together with Aleksander Kleczkowski, leading his forces - a band of few hundred ragtag soldiers of fortune, mainly Lithuanians, Poles, Don Cossacks, Ruthenians, Tatars, Germans, Swedes - he defeated the armies of tsar Vasili Shuisky, led by Zakhary Lyapunov and Ivan Khovansky, near Zaraysk and captured Mikhailov and Kolomna, moving on to blockade Moscow.

Maxim Mikhailov

In addition to Susanin, Mikhailov was a renowned interpreter of other bass and basso profundo roles in Russian opera: Pimen in Boris Godunov, the miller in Dargomyzhsky's Rusalka, Khan Konchak in Prince Igor, the Viking merchant in Sadko, Gremin in Eugene Onegin.

Mikhailov Peninsula

In 1921, a Soviet-Norwegian expedition led by Nikifor Begichev looking for Roald Amundsen's men Peter Tessem and Paul Knutsen, found the remains of a campfire with charred bones near the Mikhailov Peninsula.

see also