In British politics, the term 'Millbank Machine' or 'Millbank tendency' (a play on 'Militant tendency') has been linked with the activities of spin doctors.
Sri Lankan Tamil militant groups | Militant tendency | Mauritian Militant Movement | International Marxist Tendency | The Militant | tendency | On the Tendency of Species to form Varieties; and on the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by Natural Means of Selection | Militant League for German Culture | Militant faction | McSweeney's Internet Tendency | AEC Militant |
The LPYS was the most successful of the youth sections of the Labour Party in the post war period, at one point having nearly 600 branches and attendances at its national conference of nearly 2000 in the mid-1980s, publishing a monthly newspaper Socialist Youth, during which time it was under the leadership of the Militant tendency.
SOLS remained famous for its hostility to Trotskyism and its members were key to recovering control of the National Organisation of Labour Students, NOLS, from the Militant tendency in 1975 and the following year SOLS members took the famous "icepick express" (a bus with an icepick - the weapon used to kill Trotsky - attached to the front) to that year's NOLS conference at Lancaster University.
Tommy Sheridan of The Fed/Militant Tendency condemned the protesters.