
unusual facts about tendency


He used it to represent the opinion of Trotskyists who rejected the leadership of James Cannon and who left the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) to found the Workers Party in 1940.

A Hatful of Rain

His emotional distance (and his tendency to stay out all night) alienates him from the apartment's other residents: Johnny's pregnant wife Celia (Eva Marie Saint) and his brother Polo (Anthony Franciosa).

Ad libitum

Some actors are also known for their ability or tendency to ad-lib, such as Peter Falk (of the series Columbo), who would ad-lib such mannerisms as absent-mindedness while in character.


Adhesion, the tendency of dissimilar particles or surfaces to cling to one another


While anarcho-pacifism is most commonly associated with religious anarchism such as Tolstoyan Christian anarchism and Buddhist anarchism, irreligious or even anti-religious tendencies have emerged such as the French individualist anarchist anarcho-pacifist tendency exemplified by authors and activists such as Charles-Auguste Bontemps, André Arru and Gérard de Lacaze-Duthiers which aligned itself with atheism and freethought.

Antonis Fotsis

He goes by the nickname of "Batman" since his adolescent years, when his co-players at junior national teams named him after the well-known comic-strip figure, because of his tendency/ability to be an overwhelmingly gliding presence above the basketball rim.

Aston Martin DB6

Wind tunnel testing, begun in February 1965, showed development was necessary to counteract a tendency toward aerodynamic lift a result of the fastback styling causing reduced rear-wheel traction at high speed.


The language of Behari people are 97% Urdu, with a minor change territorywise, they were the only people practicing and talking in Urdu regularly after its early birth, mostly well civilized due to the tendency of education, mainly doing trade within the region, also 25% of them were farmers.

Cheerios effect

In fluid mechanics, the Cheerios effect is the tendency for small wettable floating objects to attract one another.

Colonization Societies

Jay (son of John Jay), An Inquiry into the Character and Tendency of the American Colonization and Antislavery Societies (New York, 1834)

Empire Building

Empire-building, tendency of countries and nations to acquire resources, land, and economic influence outside of their borders

Encyclopædia Metropolitana

The Encyclopædia Metropolitana was revived in 1820 by the intervention of Bishop William Howley, concerned also to compete with the Britannica, in this case to counter its secular tendency.

Eric Sheppard

He is identified with a group of radical economic geographers including Trevor J. Barnes and Jamie Peck, who are critical of the tendency of the modern capitalist economy to create great differences in wealth and poverty, and to create environmental problems and injustices.

Everest Syndrome

The Everest Syndrome, named by Maddux (cited in Gallo & Horton, 1994, p. 17) refers to the tendency of teachers to feel the need to use technology, specifically the Internet, in their classrooms simply because it exists (Maddux's choice of words may have been influenced by a reason attributed to George Mallory for wanting to climb Mount Everest).

Giles Rooke

At the next Exeter assizes he prosecuted to conviction William Winterbotham, a dissenting minister at Plymouth, for preaching sermons of a revolutionary tendency; and on 13 November of the same year was appointed to the puisne judgeship of the Court of Common Pleas, left vacant by the death of John Wilson.

Graham Yallop

In his account of the 1978-79 Ashes series "The Ashes Retained" England captain Mike Brearley reported that the English players nicknamed Yallop "Banzai" because of his tendency to adopt suicidally attacking fields at all times, when on occasion a more defensive approach may have prevented the England team's free scoring.

Grove cell

By the time of the American Civil War, as telegraph traffic increased, the Grove cell's tendency to discharge poisonous nitrogen dioxide (NO2) fumes proved increasingly hazardous to health, and as telegraphs became more complex, the need for constant voltage became critical.

History of Indians in Singapore

From the 1960s to 1980s, the People's Action Party government tried to cultivate a shared national identity and to end the historical tendency of Singaporeans to identify with the national – and often nationalistic – politics of their ancestral homelands.

Iain Hamilton Grant

Grant views Plato and Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling as his major allies among classic philosophical figures, and generally opposes both Aristotle and Kant for what he sees as their tendency to reduce reality to its expressibility for humans.

Interference lithography

A fundamental concern for using low-energy electrons (<<100 eV) with this technique is their natural tendency to repel one another due to Coulomb forces as well as Fermi-Dirac statistics, though electron anti-bunching has been verified only in a single case.

Japanese community of London

Junko Sakai, author of Japanese Bankers in the City of London: Language, Culture and Identity in the Japanese Diaspora, stated that there is no particular location for the Japanese community in London, but that the families of Japanese "company men" have a tendency of living in North London and West London.

Joe Charboneau

Long before Dennis Rodman came on the scene, Joe had a tendency to dye his hair unnatural colors, as well as open beer bottles with his eye socket and drink beer with a straw through his nose.

Juan José Arévalo

Arévalo opposed classical Marxism’s materialist tendency and affirmed that, “Communism is contrary to human nature, for it is contrary to the psychology of man”.

Lurianic Kabbalah

In truth, "I, the Eternal, I have not changed" (Malachi 3:6), as interpreting the tzimtzum with any literal tendency would be ascribing false corporeality to God.


Mandelbaum Effect, the tendency for people to focus nearby in conditions of poor visibility.

Marius Lyle

One critic has cited Marius Lyle, along with Edouard Roditi, Charles Henri Ford and Harry Crosby, as a representative writer of the prose poem-dreamscape, which "displays a strong oratorical strain as well as a tendency to dwell on apocalyptic visions and various pyschopathological states.

Martin Gerbert

Between 1754 and 1764 he published a series of theological treatises, their main tendency being to modify the rigid scholastic system by an appeal to the Fathers, notably Augustine; from 1759 to 1762 he travelled in Germany, Italy and France, mainly with a view to examining the collections of documents in the various monastic libraries.

Mathilde Ludendorff

She criticized the lack of depth and tendency towards jargon in his seminal 1932 work Der Yoga als Heilweg and further argued that the teachings of Krishna and Buddha had in fact been adopted by the writers of the Old and New Testaments, making Indian religion off-limits given her aversion to Christianity.


In British politics, the term 'Millbank Machine' or 'Millbank tendency' (a play on 'Militant tendency') has been linked with the activities of spin doctors.


Codependency, a tendency to behave in overly passive or excessively caretaking ways that adversely affect one's relationships and quality of life

Nuclear art

The Nuclear art was an artistic tendency developed by some European artists and painters, after the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

One and Three Chairs

In the sixties, Greenberg's and Fried's modernist doctrine dominated the American discussions on art; meanwhile, the artists Allan Kaprow, Dick Higgins, Henry Flynt, Mel Bochner, Robert Smithson and Joseph Kosuth wrote articles on art exemplifying a pluralistic anti- and post-modernist tendency which gained more influence at the end of the sixties.

Pearl Street Schoolhouse

The schoolhouse name is derived from the tendency of the Jansen family to speak often of Pearl Street in what is today Lower Manhattan.

Pierre Édouard Frère

The marked sentimental tendency of his art makes us wonder at John Ruskin's enthusiastic eulogy which finds in Frère's work the depth of William Wordsworth, the grace of Sir Joshua Reynolds, and the holiness of Fra Angelico.

Poll Tax Riots

Tommy Sheridan of The Fed/Militant Tendency condemned the protesters.

Positive outcome bias

Publication bias, the tendency for researchers to publish research which had a positive outcome.

Problematische Naturen

For such a philosophy, there could be no better historical background than the Germany of 1848 and after, and Problematische Naturen with its sequel Durch Nacht zum Licht (1862), — although it squanders material for half a dozen novels, idealizes Teutonic morbidity, and forsakes art for tendency, — tells with remarkable vividness the story of the men and women who lived and thought and fought for freedom in Germany's day of hope.

Régis Debray

In a February 2007 op-ed in Le Monde, Régis Debray criticized the tendency of the whole French political class to move toward the right-wing of politics.

Resistance thermometer

The application of the tendency of electrical conductors to increase their electrical resistance with rising temperature was first described by Sir William Siemens at the Bakerian Lecture of 1871 before the Royal Society of Great Britain.

Roger's Profanisaurus

David Stubbs wrote that Profanisaurus "represents what you might call the maximalist tendency in obscenity".


In John Singer Sargent’s famous Portrait of Madame X, for example, the lumps only appear on the blackest areas, which may be because of the artist’s use of more medium in those areas to compensate for the tendency of black pigments to soak it up.


In his work "Shamanism, Colonialism, and the Wild Man", anthropologist Michael Taussig describes the practice of using silleros to cross the Andes as part of the colonial tendency to see and treat the indigenous people as subhuman wild creatures.

Strange Luck

Strange Luck is an American television series that aired on FOX, created by Karl Schaefer and starring D. B. Sweeney in the role of Chance Harper, a freelance photographer afflicted with a bizarre tendency to always be in the wrong place at the right time.

The Beatles Play The Residents and The Residents Play The Beatles

The single, particularly the B-side, reflects the Residents' boredom with pop music and their tendency to perform deconstructionist covers, perhaps shown most notably on their album The Third Reich 'n Roll.

The Fright of Real Tears

However, Žižek also contrasts Kieślowski's position with the tendency of modern media to produce a discourse in which everything is openly and obscenely declared, such as confessions by public figures like the former U.S. President Bill Clinton.

Walking to Hollywood

The conversations with Scooby-Doo, the made-up characters, the sex, lies and videotape – this is a landscape contoured, almost in whole, by Self’s imagination… It is, as always, a place crammed with a Devil’s Dictionary’s worth of wordplay, and with an unerring tendency towards the absurd.

Wiltshire County Cricket Club

John Major points out that "cricket did not spread evenly across whole counties" but had a tendency towards "local adoption".

Yubisaki Milk Tea

:Minamo is one of Yoshinori's classmates who usually has an antisocial tendency towards other people so in effect does not open up much to others.

see also