Some of these Dachshunds were at first just runts of their litters, but later others were created intentionally by crossing Dachshunds with Toy Terriers and Pinschers.
Portrait miniature | Dachshund | The Miniature Killer | portrait miniature | Persian miniature | Miniature golf | miniature golf | Miniature Schnauzer | ''The Annunciation'', miniature by Jacquemart de Hesdin from ''Les Petites Heures'' of John, Duke of Berry | Product Miniature Company | Palekh miniature | Miniature UAV#"Wing-store UAV" and Raytheon "SilentEyes" | Miniature park | Miniature for the entry ''etas'' "age" in the ''Omne Bonum | miniature effect | Miniature Card | Light Miniature Aircraft LM-1 |