
3 unusual facts about Miniature effect

Miniature effect

The first major use of the slurpasaur was in One Million B.C. (1940), which included a pig dressed as a triceratops, with the special effects in this film re-used often, such as in the 1955 movie King Dinosaur.

French director Georges Méliès incorporated special effects in his 1902 film Le Voyage dans la Lune (A Trip to the Moon) — including double-exposure, split screens, miniatures and stop-action.

The resurgence of the science fiction genre in film in the late 1970s saw miniature fabrication rise to new heights in such films as Close Encounters of the Third Kind, (1977), Star Wars (also 1977), Alien (1979), Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) and Blade Runner (1982).

Harbinger Down

Funded by fan donations thorough Kickstarter, the film will feature exclusively practical creature effects created by ADI through the use of animatronics, prosthetic makeup, stop motion and miniature effects, as opposed to the use of computer generated imagery.

see also