
2 unusual facts about Miraz


The relationship between Miraz and his brother's son, Prince Caspian, resembles that of Claudius and Hamlet in Shakespeare's play Hamlet.

Pembroke Castle

In 1989, the BBC used Pembroke Castle as the set of King Miraz's castle in its adaptation of Prince Caspian, one of C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia.


Miraz | King Miraz's |


In the 2008 film version, Reepicheep led two other mice into Miraz's castle during a mission that did not appear in the book.

In Prince Caspian, Reepicheep is the leader of the twelve mice who help to fight against Caspian's Uncle Miraz in the Second Battle of Beruna, near Aslan's How.

Seven Great Lords of Narnia

In chapter 5 of Prince Caspian we learn that after the death of Prince Caspian's father, Miraz initially ruled Narnia as "Lord Protector" for his young nephew.

In the book Prince Caspian, Caspian overthrows Miraz, with the help of the Old Narnians, to take his rightful position as King of Narnia.

see also