
unusual facts about Miriam Allan

Jürgen Budday

These have included the Handel oratorios Jephtha, Samson, Judas Maccabaeus, Saul and the Messiah with highly distinguished soloists such as Emma Kirkby, Michael Chance, Nancy Argenta, David Thomas, Stephen Varcoe, Miriam Allan, Joanne Lunn and many others.

see also

Maulbronn Chamber Choir

An historically informed performance in English with Miriam Allan (Soprano), Michael Chance (Countertenor), Patrick Van Goethem (Countertenor), Mark Le Brocq (Tenor), Stephen Varcoe (Bass), Maulbronn Chamber Choir, Hannoversche Hofkapelle, Conductor: Jürgen Budday (2005, concert recording, Maulbronn Monastery Edition)