
3 unusual facts about Mitzvah


The term challah also refers to the Mitzvah of separating a portion of the dough before braiding.


According to the Midrash, all divine commandments were given on Mount Sinai, and no prophet could add any new ones.

In addition, many of the specific details of the Biblical mitzvot are only derived via rabbinical application of the Oral Torah (Mishna/Gemarah); for example, the reading of the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-7), the binding of the tefillin and the fixing of the mezuzah (Deuteronomy 6:8-9), and the saying of Grace After Meals (Deuteronomy 8:10).

Aharon Mordechai Rokeach

Sholom, named after the first Belzer Rebbe, the Sar Sholom, celebrated his bar mitzvah on 26 February 2008 (20 Adar I 5768).

Bridget Tyrwhitt

Lady Bridget Wingfield, married name Bridget Tyrwhitt during her sixty-fifth bar mitzvah

Donald Sultan

In 1999 he collaborated with David Mamet on his book, Bar Mitzvah of which Sultan did the drawings for.

Eliyahu David Rabinowitz-Teomim

Some of these texts include, “Seder Eliyahu” an autobiography, “Teffilat David” an explication of the meaning of the Siddur, “Cheshbonos Shel Mitzvah” an exposition on the 613 biblical commandments, “Seder Parshios” a commentary on the weekly portion of the Torah, “Zecher Lemikdash” a work concerning rabbinic precepts intended to be observed as a remembrance of the Temple, and many others.

Gerald Guterman

In September 1986, Guterman drew media attention when he chartered the famed ocean liner RMS Queen Elizabeth 2 along with a crew of over 1,000, for his 13yr old son's Bar Mitzvah party.


Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, urged Jews everywhere to conduct large and small Hakhel gatherings in synagogues and private homes to foster greater unity and increase Torah learning, mitzvah observance, and the giving of charity.


In the 1973 film Les aventures de Rabbi Jacob (The Mad Adventures of Rabbi Jacob), it is chanted at the end of the Bar-Mitzvah service.

Minchat Chinuch

The work is noted for its technique of isolating legal concepts through the use of exotic test cases such as whether a hermaphrodite is obligated in the mitzvah of "be fruitful and multiply." This feature of the book makes it a useful starting point in conceptual analysis of talmudic topics.

The Bro Mitzvah

In explaining the "absolute requirements" for his bro mitzvah, Barney writes down everything in the Brorah, which he claims is written in Hebro (Roman characters with a distinctively Hebrew script).


There are many examples of Tzedakah funds that operate according to Maimonides' principles above (particularly #2), including Hands on Tzedakah (working with non-profits in the USA and in Israel), and Mitzvah Heroes Fund (working mainly with non-profits in Israel).

Uncle Moishy and the Mitzvah Men

Lead musician and singer Moshe Tanenbaum is a Hasidic Orthodox Jew who stars as "Uncle Moishy" who leads his "Mitzvah Men" in song and verse that expresses the observant religious lifestyle of Orthodox Judaism.

see also