During pastoral visits to Jewish villages he was sometimes met with the Torah.
At the outset, Jesus made it clear that he greatly respects Old Testament Law in the Torah, and fulfilling the Law was one of his purposes for coming to Earth.
Mishmeres HaTorah is an exclusive Mussar-style discourse for a select circle of students who have accepted upon themselves to learn Torah twelve hours per weekday and six hours over Shabbos.
At that time, only boys were permitted to read from the Torah.
The Torah in its entirety as understood by classical Judaism.
The practice originated from the Jewish tradition of the rabbi giving a "Dvar Torah", explaining a passage from the Torah, during the prayer services.
“According to Rabbi sic Hillel, the Torah can be capsulated into only one commandment: ‘What is hurtful and hateful to you, do not do to another.’ Everything else is footnote.”
The belief in free will (Hebrew: bechirah chofshit בחירה חפשית, bechirah בחירה) is axiomatic in Jewish thought, and is closely linked with the concept of reward and punishment, based on the Torah itself: "I God have set before you life and death, blessing and curse: therefore choose life" ( Deuteronomy 30:19).
The Geonim played a prominent and decisive role in the transmission and teaching of Torah and Jewish law.
Wenham has written a large number of articles and several books, including commentaries on Genesis, Leviticus and Numbers, and more recently a study of Old Testament narrative ethics, Story as Torah (T & T Clark, 2000), and Exploring the Old Testament: the Pentateuch (SPCK: 2003).
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, urged Jews everywhere to conduct large and small Hakhel gatherings in synagogues and private homes to foster greater unity and increase Torah learning, mitzvah observance, and the giving of charity.
When Rabbi Shmuel Salant was Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, he would gather all the Talmud Torah students in front of the Western Wall on the first day of Chol HaMoed Sukkot and read to them the same passages that the king would read at Hakhel.
The term Hakhel (Hebrew הקהל) refers to a custom based on the mandated practice in the Hebrew Bible of assembling all Jewish men, women and children to hear the reading of the Torah by the king of Israel once every seven years.
The king began the reading with the same blessings over the Torah that are recited before every Aliyah La-Torah in synagogues today.
His father, Max, a devout Torah scholar, was a Polish Jew who emigrated from Poland to escape pogroms to Palestine in 1920, and finally to Toronto five years later.
They would use this temporary freedom to dig up Torahs that had been hidden in Lwów's Jewish cemetery.
Blenkinsopp has published a number of standard commentaries and introductions on parts of the Old Testament, particularly on the Prophets, the Pentateuch, and Ezra–Nehemiah.
During the night he posted anti-British flyers, and participated in paramilitary activities and helped hide weapons, sometimes in synagogues behind the arks where Torah scrolls were kept.
The terminology "The law given to Moses at Biblical Mount Sinai," is not included in the written Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible), which was transmitted orally since time immemorial from one generation to the next, with no other sources.
In the Mishneh Torah of Maimonides the prohibition "Not to love an enticer" is listed as a negative commandment.
A neder may be annulled by either a beit din (court of Jewish law, composed of at least three adult men), or singlehandedly by a Talmid chacham (Torah scholar).
The Pnei Yehoshua comments that such exemptions are valid only for positive commandments, stating that one thoroughly engaged in a positive precept (such as burying the dead or learning Torah) would certainly not enable one to violate negative precepts (such as performing adultery or consuming non-kosher food).
The Paradesi Synagogue has the Scrolls of the Law, several gold crowns received as gifts, many Belgian glass chandeliers, and a brass-railed pulpit.
The yeshiva offers both Torah and general secular studies and has a 3:1 student-to-instructor ratio.
In Israel, children receiving a traditional Jewish education are taught Biblical Hebrew, and learn excerpts of the Torah (first five books of the Bible) and the Talmud (commentary on the scriptures).
There are numerous instances within the scriptures that describe the creation and use of images for religious purposes (the angels on the Ark of the Covenant, the bronze snake Moses mounted on a pole, etc.).
:Rav Huna bar Yehuda says in the name of Rabbi Ammi: "one should always complete the reading of one's weekly Torah portion with the congregation, twice from the mikra (i.e. Torah) and once from the Targum."
In 1943, while mayor of the social area, he took the initiative of evacuating the Torah scrolls of the Synagogue of Copenhagen.
The name is a diminutive form of the Russian word соловей, "nightingale", since the Soloveitchiks are a family of Levites, who are commanded by the Torah to sing in the Beit Hamikdash.
As its full title makes clear, it is a conservative defence of orthodox Christian belief against deism, by means of an apparent paradox: the afterlife is not mentioned in terms in the Pentateuch (i.e. Torah – see Jewish eschatology#"The world to come"), making Mosaic Judaism distinctive among ancient religions; from which, Warburton argues, it is seen that Moses received a divine revelation.
Maimonides divides these laws into 14 sections - the same as in his Mishneh Torah.
Thus, approaching them with a mind that is not yet learned in Torah and other Jewish texts can lead to heresy and the transgressions considered the most serious by Maimonides.
Since the Halakah, however, is regarded simply as an exposition and explanation of the Torah, Talmud hermeneutics includes also the rules by which the requirements of the oral law are derived from and established by the written law.
The origin of the name is unclear; it may have been named for the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible, known to those in the Jewish Faith as the Torah.
Her parents named her Torah after Marion Bright learned the word meant "bearer of great message" in addition to referring to the Five books of Moses.
The school employs a curriculum of college preparatory as well as Torah studies.
Religious Zionism – led by Yitzchak Yaacov Reines, founder of Mizrachi (religious Zionism) and by Abraham Isaac Kook:
Religious Zionism maintained that Jewish nationality and the establishment of the State of Israel is a religious duty derived from the Torah.
providing quality Torah-based and secular educational programs for almost 100 years.
Rabbi Ezrachi is also a popular speaker for eulogies of great Torah scholars in Israel.
After the appointment, Cohen set up the "Hidabroot" organization, to bring and spread the Torah's knowledge in Israel and the world.
Torah | Mishneh Torah | Talmud Torah | Sefer Torah | Oral Torah | Yeshiva Torah Vodaas | United Torah Judaism | Yeshivat Chovevei Torah | Yeshivat Chovevei Torah | Torah study | Torah Academy of Bergen County | talmud torah | Keser Torah Radomsk |
The synagogue's Torah scrolls were rescued during Hurricane Katrina.
The reason for the common use of the three-letter acronym, בס"ד (BS"D), is probably because it does not contain the Hebrew letter Hei ('ה), that is used to imply the name of God, and for this reason, a page which contains the letters בס"ד (BS"D) without any other Torah content does not require Genizah (a process for writings that contain the name of God), and thus can be thrown away without a fear of desecration.
However, in 1495 the city fell to the French under Charles VIII, and he fled east to the Ottoman Empire to escape the violent pogroms that ensued, spending time in Istanbul before moving sometime between 1498 and 1504 to teach Torah in Salonica, at that time in a state of intellectual vibrancy due to the settlement there of many Sephardi exiles forced to leave after the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492, Sicily in 1493, and Portugal in 1496.
Divrei David ("Words of David") — containing decisions and chiddushim (original Torah thoughts) on Maimonides' Mishneh Torah, published by Joseph Zamiro, together with his own work, Hon Yosef, Livorno, 1828.
Eikev, the 46th weekly parshah or portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading and the third in the book of Deuteronomy.
His expertise is wide-ranging, with a particular emphasis on clarifying obscure and difficult sentiments expressed in the Torah and Talmud.
In 1914, the yeshiva was exiled to Smilavichy (Smilovichi near Minsk) and Wasserman was appointed its rosh yeshiva one year later when The Chofetz Chaim decided to relocate to Siemiatycze (Semiatitch), and together with Rabbi Yitzchok Hirshowitz (son-in-law of Rabbi Eliezer Gordon from Telz Yeshiva), was asked to keep Torah alive in Smilavichy.
Some of these texts include, “Seder Eliyahu” an autobiography, “Teffilat David” an explication of the meaning of the Siddur, “Cheshbonos Shel Mitzvah” an exposition on the 613 biblical commandments, “Seder Parshios” a commentary on the weekly portion of the Torah, “Zecher Lemikdash” a work concerning rabbinic precepts intended to be observed as a remembrance of the Temple, and many others.
Halpern served as the first "pupil rabbi" for the Talmud Torah "junior congregation" of Congregation Beth Jacob Ohev Sholom in Long Island, New York.
The Foundation has also given grants to Tarbut V' Torah, Chapman University, the Orange County High School of the Arts (OCHSA), the Ocean Institute, El Viento, THINK Together, Orangewood’s Guardian Scholar Program, KOCE, the Discovery Science Center and Hope University, all of which have a mission dedicated to improving the lives of others through education.
The Rosh Hashana service in 1944 at the Naval Air Station Keflavik was attended by 500 Jews and a Torah scroll was flown in from the United States.
Barry Levy, "Our Torah, Your Torah, and Their Torah: An Evaluation of the ArtScroll Phenomenon" in Truth and Compassion: Essays on Religion in Judaism, Howard Joseph, Jack N. Lightstone, and Michael D. Oppenheim, eds.
His commentary on the 5 Books of the Torah elucidates the simple meaning (p'shat), with some additional meanings from the Midrashic method, which initially appear to be utilised when the simple meaning still leaves questions.
Natasza Zurek,Laura Hadar, Victoria Jealouse, Erin Comstock, Hana Beaman, Annie Boulanger, Anne-Flore Marxer, Izumi Amaike, Stacy Thomas, Marie-France Roy, Leanne Pelosi, Tara Dakides, Silvia Mittermuller, Spencer O'Brien, Jacqui Berg, Amber Stackhouse, Priscilla Levac, Maribeth Swetkoff, Alexis Waite, Kelly Clark, Gretchen Bleiler, Torah Bright, and Jamie Anderson.
These include claims that passages in Deuteronomy are the Torah verses referred to in Al A'raf, and that the reference to the "Paraclete" in the Gospel of John is the Gospel reference to Muhammad.
Thus, in Judaism, the "Written Instruction" (Torah she-bi-khtav תורה שבכתב) comprises the Torah and the rest of the Tanakh; the "Oral Instruction" (Torah she-be'al peh תורה שבעל פה) was ultimately recorded in the Talmud (lit. "Learning") and Midrashim (lit. "Interpretations").
Belief that the Oral Torah was transmitted orally from God to Moses on Mount Sinai during the Exodus from Egypt is a fundamental tenet of faith of Orthodox and Haredi Judaism, and was recognized as one of the Thirteen Principles of Faith by Maimonides.
"Mishnah" is the name given to the sixty-three tractates that HaNasi systematically codified, which in turn are divided into six "orders." Unlike the Torah, in which, for example, laws of the Sabbath are scattered throughout the books of Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers, all the Mishnaic laws of the Sabbath are located in a single tractate called Shabbat (Hebrew for "Sabbath").
Many terms used in the Torah are left undefined, such as the word totafot, usually translated as "frontlets," which is used three times in the Pentateuch (in Exodus 13:9 and Deuteronomy 6:8 and 11:18) but only identified with tefillin in the Mishnah (see Menachot 3:7).
First come the biographies of the men who antedated the several written laws of the Torah, as Enos, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Ishmael was of opinion that the Torah was conveyed in the language of man (Yerushalmi Yevamot, viii. 8d; Yerushalmi Nedarim, i. 36c), and that therefore a seemingly pleonastic word or syllable can not be taken as a basis for new deductions.
He said, "The Scripture tells us, 'Thou shalt teach them the things thou hast seen at Horeb to thy sons and to thy sons' sons;' and how may one live to teach his sons' sons unless one marries early?" (Deuteronomy 4:9 Yerushalmi Kiddushin, i. 29b; Kiddushin 61a)
Mordechai Liebling, Director, RRC's Social Justice Organizing Program, former director Jewish Reconstructionist Federation, former director, Torah of Money at Jewish Funds for Justice
Among the distinguished rabbis and Torah teachers included in these conversations are Rabbis Shlomo Riskin, Berel Wein, Shubert Spero, Adin Steinsaltz, David Hartman, Nachum Rabinowitz, Aharon Rakeffet, Chaim Eisen, Mendel Lewittes, Natan Lopes Cardozo, Dr. Miriam Adahan, and more than thirty others.
The Shema Yisrael Torah Network is a group of (mainly English) websites dedicated to spreading Jewish thought, halakha (Jewish law) and other material through the World Wide Web, email and written material.
At Rabbi Ziv’s funeral, his friend and colleague Rabbi Eliezer Gordon, the Rabbi and Rosh Yeshiva of Telz, said that aside from Rabbi Ziv’s greatness in Torah, he had never heard a single word from him that was not related to Torah and to fear of Heaven.
They accept the Bible as Divine and the Biblical history of the Exodus from Egypt and the giving of the Torah to Moses at Mount Sinai as true, and have been widely regarded as Orthodox.
He explains how the falsification of the Torah could have taken place while there existed only one copy of the Torah kept by the Aaronic priesthood of the Temple in Jerusalem.
Torah Judaism is an English term used by a number of Orthodox Jewish groups to describe their Judaism as being based on an adherence to the laws of the Torah's mitzvot as expounded in Orthodox Halakha.
He lived with his wife in a modest little apartment near the Kremlin, where, after each day working for the government, he returned home to immerse himself in Torah study during the night.
He was the supervisor of the yeshiva in Baranovichi, "Ohel Torah", which followed the way of musar.
He has spoken about and recorded lessons on a wide range of themes, including the weekly Torah portion, Jewish philosophy, Jewish holidays, Amud Yomi, Jewish marriage, the role of women in Judaism, and current events.
Zilberman Method, teaching emphasizes rote learning of the text of the Torah from an early age