The map is set in the infamous Alcatraz Prison in the year 1933, and features four new characters: Albert "The Weasel" Arlington (voiced by Joe Pantoliano), Billy Handsome (voiced by Ray Liotta), Michael "Finn" O'Leary (voiced by Michael Madsen) and Salvatore "Sal" DeLuca (voiced by Chazz Palminteri), who plan to escape the island only to run into a zombie outbreak.
Mob of the Dead, also known as Alcatraz Island, is a Zombies map released for Call of Duty: Black Ops II in the downloadable content (DLC) pack Uprising.
Grateful Dead | The Walking Dead | Dead Kennedys | The Walking Dead (TV series) | Dawn of the Dead | Dead Sea | Night of the Living Dead | Dead Can Dance | Dead Sea Scrolls | Dead Prez | Shaun of the Dead | Day of the Dead | Dead Like Me | The Dead Zone (TV series) | The Dead Zone | The Dead Boys | Dead of Night | The Evil Dead | James Joyce's The Dead | Goodie Mob | Dead Silence | Dead End Kids | The Walking Dead (comic book) | The Queen Is Dead | The Dead Milkmen | Dead Poets Society | Red Dead Revolver | Play Dead | Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest | Evil Dead |