The island is connected to the mainland via the three ferry companies, Toremar, Moby Lines and Blunavy, all offering routes between Piombino and Portoferraio, the capital located in the north, Cavo, Rio Marina and Porto Azzurro, on the east coast of the island.
Moby | Delta Air Lines | Greyhound Lines | Moby-Dick | Eastern Air Lines | Outside the Lines | Moby Grape | Ellerman Lines | Carnival Cruise Lines | Peter Pan Bus Lines | Korean Air Lines Flight 007 | Trans-Canada Air Lines Flight 810 | Trans-Canada Air Lines | Liverpool to Manchester Lines | Driver: Parallel Lines | Blue Lines | American President Lines | Peter Lines | Farrell Lines | Blurred Lines | Behind Enemy Lines | Swiss International Air Lines | Source lines of code | Snow Hill Lines | Play (Moby album) | Nazca Lines | MS ''Moby Drea'' | Moby Lines | Moby-Duck | Fraunhofer lines |
Originally it was reported that the Moby Otta would open a new route for Moby Lines, connecting Genoa and Porto Torres.