
5 unusual facts about Modra Observatory

Modra Observatory

The asteroid 11118 Modra discovered at this observatory is named in the honor of the town.

The upper building with the 5-metre dome has a small telescope for educational purposes and registration devices for GPS and forward scatter meteor radar of the Bologna-Lecce-Modra network (transceiver-receiver-receiver).

The Astronomical and Geophysical observatory of Comenius University is located near the town of Modra and in the mountain range of Little Carpathians.

Besides photographic all-sky cameras, fish-eye all-sky semi-automated meteor detection devices are located at Modra observatory, near Tesárske Mlyňany and in Kysucké Nové Mesto.

Vladimír Porubčan

He made multiple meteor observations and data analyses on forward scatter radar at Modra Observatory and backscatter radar at Ondřejov Observatory.

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