
4 unusual facts about Mohammed Atif Siddique

Aabid Khan

He was accused of "grooming and radicalising" Mohammed Atif Siddique, who was later arrested as he prepared to fly to Pakistan to meet with Khan, and charged with collecting photographs and videos of notable terrorist actions.

Mohammed Atif Siddique

Siddique attended Alva Academy where he was a "model student", before enrolling as a Computing Technician student at Glasgow Metropolitan College.

It was alleged he was flying to meet Aabid Khan, a friend of one of the Toronto 18, and thus may have been plotting to involve himself with the group.

In June, Evan Kohlmann was given access to the contents of Siddique's laptop by the Central Scotland Police, and he submit an 18-page summary stating that the images, documents and videos that Siddique had downloaded comprised "a formidable archive of authentic Al-Qaida recruitment and technical material that is designed and likely to be used for purposes relating to the commission, perpetration, or instigation of an act of terrorism—most specifically, a suicide or 'martyrdom' operation".

see also