
unusual facts about Mohammed V of Morocco

Abdeslam Serghini

After the independence of Morocco from the French occupation, prince Mohammed V of Morocco became King and appointed Abdeslam as the president of the Supreme Court in Rabat.


Subsequent actions became one of the major irritants between Boujane's superior, the powerful Pasha of Marrakech T'hami El Glaoui, and the King of Morocco Mohammed V, which eventually led to the king's brief overthrow.

Princess Lalla Joumala Alaoui

She is the paternal cousin of King Mohammed VI; daughter of Prince Moualy Ali Alaoui (a cousin of King Mohammed V) and "Princess Lalla Fatima az-Zahra", the elder half-sister of King Hassan II.

Princess Lalla Malika of Morocco

Princess Lalla Malika (born 14 March 1933) is a sister of the late King Hassan II of Morocco, and daughter of King Mohammed V of Morocco and Lalla Abla bint Tahar.

Thami El Glaoui

From that moment on he conspired with Abd El Hay Kittani and the French to replace Mohammed V with a new sultan, an elderly member of the royal family named Ben Arafa.

see also