
2 unusual facts about Moheli

Ikililou Dhoinine

Dhoinine, a pharmacist by training, is the first President of Comoros from the island of Mohéli.


All vangas are endemic to Madagascar apart from the Blue Vanga, which also occurs in the Comoros on Mohéli island and, at least formerly, on Grande Comore.


Mohéli | Moheli |

Comoros forests

Protected areas include Mount Combani and the Saziley National Park on Mayotte, while the only protected area in Comoros proper is the marine park on Moheli.

History of Comoros

In 1886 Said Ali bin Said Omar, Sultan of Bambao, signed an agreement with the French government that allowed France to establish a protectorate over the entire island of Ngazidja (Grande Comore; protectorates were also established over Ndzwani (Anjouan), and Mwali (Mohéli island in French) the same year.

Léon Humblot

During the following year, the French had overall rule of the Comoros (Grande Comore, Anjouan, Mayotte and Moheli islands).

Said Ali bin Said Omar of Grande Comore

On 24 June 1886, the islands of Ngazidja or (Grande Comore in French) comprised eleven sultanates, but, in 1886, the Sultan tibe (paramount ruler and Sultan) of Bambao unified them, Ndzuwani (Anjouan), and Mwali sultanate (Mohéli island in French) became French protectorates, French résidents are posted on the three islands; on 5 September 1887 they are collectively renamed Protectorate of the Comoros.

see also