In an unsuccessful revival of The Liver Birds (1996), Sugden reprised her role as Mrs Hutchinson, despite being on steroids at the time owing to her suffering from polymyalgia.
Mollie King | Mollie Stone's Markets | Mollie Stone's | Edward Sugden, 1st Baron St Leonards | Percy Sugden | Mollie McCarty | Mollie Wilmot | Mollie Sugden | Mollie Stone | Mollie O'Brien | Mollie Katzen | John Sugden | Chris Sugden |
His daughter Joanna Hutton (died 2002) became the first female curator of the Brontë Parsonage Museum in Haworth, for a period in the 1960s - coincidentally just three miles away from the town of Keighley, where Arthur Brough's Are You Being Served? co-star Mollie Sugden was born.