
5 unusual facts about Montepulciano


The Bruscello is a medieval festival with songs and music performed every year in the Tuscan town of Montepulciano, on or around 15th of August.

Giancarlo Caldesi

Born in Montepulciano, Tuscany, Giancarlo Caldesiā€™s interest in food and cooking was inspired by his mother and grandmother, who he helped in the kitchen from an early age.

Jan Miel

Fhe Museo Civico in Montepulciano (Tuscany) houses two canvases by Jan Miel titled Market scene and a Serenade.

Malabar rites

The founder of the missions of the interior of South India, Roberto de Nobili, was born in Rome, in 1577, of a noble family from Montepulciano, which numbered among many distinguished relatives the celebrated Cardinal Roberto Bellarmine.

Willy Decker

He staged the world premieres of Hans Werner Henze's Pollicino (Montepulciano, 1980), Antonio Bibalo's Macbeth (Oslo, 1990), and Aribert Reimann's Das Schloss (The Castle) (Berlin, 1992).


Montepulciano |

Giovanni Antonio Pandolfi Mealli

Giovanni Antonio Pandolfi Mealli (born Montepulciano, Tuscany, ca. 1630 - died Madrid, ca. 1669/1670) was an Italian composer and violinist.

Robert Bellarmine

Bellarmine was born at Montepulciano, the son of noble, albeit impoverished, parents, Vincenzo Bellarmino and his wife Cinzia Cervini, who was the sister of Pope Marcellus II.

Steve Furst

Furst often performed (as Lenny Beige) at Club Montepulciano; the band Hooverphonic sing about this in their song of the same name (Lenny Beige is performing spinning wheel/Club Montepulciano is what you need).

Torrita di Siena

Torrita di Siena borders the following municipalities: Cortona, Montepulciano, Pienza, Sinalunga, Trequanda.

Vino Nobile di Montepulciano

In 1685 Vino Nobile di Montepulciano is also mentioned by the poet Francesco Redi, who, in addition to praising the work Bacchus in Tuscany (Montepulciano is the king of every wines!), wrote an ode to Count Federico Veterani dedicated exclusively to praise of the qualities of this wine.

see also