
2 unusual facts about Moorhen


For example, specimen QM F30696, a left distal tibiotarsus piece from the Oligo-Miocene boundary at Riversleigh, is similar to but than and differs in details from "G." disneyi.

Apart from the 1-3 extinctions in more recent times, another 1-4 species have gone extinct as a consequence of early human settlement: Hodgen's Waterhen (Gallinula hodgenorum) of New Zealand—which belongs in subgenus Tribonyx—and a species close to the Samoan Moorhen from Buka, Solomon Islands, which is almost certainly distinct from the Makira Moorhen as the latter cannot fly.

Gulbenkian Park

Of the two lakes built in the garden, the larger lake, located in the centre of the park, is the habitat for water birds such as Mallard, Moorhen, Ring-necked Parakeet, White Wagtail, Wren, Blackbird, Blackcap, House Sparrow, Serin, and Greenfinch.

HMS Cockatrice

HMS Cockatrice was originally a composite paddle vessel called HMS Niger, launched in 1880, renamed Cockatrice in 1881 and renamed again to HMS Moorhen in 1896.

see also