Rainfall is erratic and the vegetation is savanna dominated by grasses and Mopane trees.
Rainfall is erratic and the vegetation is savanna dominated by grasses and Mopane trees.
Mopani tree is the dominant species; the Makalani palms decrease rapidly westwards from the border with Oshana region.
There is a high rate of harvesting of the seasonal caterpillar of a Mopane worm known as Phane (scientific name Gonimbrasia belina).
Mopane |
The African Scops Owl's primary habitat is woodland, especially Mopane and Okavango; it also inhabits a wide range of mixed bushveld.
Mopane trees are common throughout south-central Africa, and host the mopane worm, which is the larval form of the moth Gonimbrasia belina, and an important source of protein for rural communities.
In the field of gallery forests are found in some larger collections of Ana trees (Faidherbia albida), Leadwood (Combretum imberbe), mopane (Colophospermum mopane), camel thorn (Acacia erioloba) and Salvadora and Euclea.