
4 unusual facts about Moraceae


Cystolith (Gr. "cavity" and "stone") is a botanical term for the inorganic concretions, usually of calcium carbonate, formed in a cellulose matrix in special cells called lithocysts, generally in the leaf of plants of certain families, e.g. Ficus elastica, the Indian rubber plant of the family Moraceae.


The name Gameleira is derived from the large number of Gameleira trees (Moraceae family) that were growing in the region.


The skin condition is a cutaneous phototoxic inflammatory eruption resulting from contact with light-sensitizing botanical substances—particularly from the plant families Umbelliferae, Rutaceae, Moraceae, and Leguminosae—and ultraviolet light, typically from sun exposure.

William Carl Burger

Burger described 104 plant species, primarily in the Lauraceae and Moraceae.


Moraceae |

Black-and-white ruffed lemur

Of the general plants they eat, the most common types are Canarium (Burseracea), Cryptocarya, Ocotea, Ravensara (Lauraceae), Ficus (Moraceae), Eugenia/Syzygium (Myrtaceae), and Grewia (Tiliaceae).

Cockspur thorn

Maclura cochinchinensis, a species of vine or scrambling shrub in the Moraceae family, native to eastern Asia and Australia.

Morpho anaxibia

Larvae have been recorded feeding on a wide range of plants : Canellaceae, Guttiferae, Erythroxylaceae, Myrtaceae, Moraceae and Lauraceae.

see also