
unusual facts about botanical

Abney Park Chapel

Its choice would also have suited the horticulturalist and scientist George Loddiges who was on the design team for he saw the hand of the Creator in the beautiful natural designs of botanical species and varieties.


The genus is named in honor of the Italian naturalist Ulisse Aldrovandi, the founder of the Botanical Garden of Bologna, Orto Botanico dell'Università di Bologna.

Anitra Thorhaug

In the United States, she has worked for and advised the Department of Energy, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Science Foundation, and Seagrant and has held offices in national scientific associations such as Chair of Physiology of the Botanical Society of America.


The botanical genus Asclepias (commonly known as milkweed) is named after him and includes the medicinal plant A. tuberosa or "Pleurisy root".

Banksia sphaerocarpa

The earliest known botanical collection of B. sphaerocarpa occurred in December 1801, during the visit of HMS Investigator to King George Sound.

Barbara Jeppe

She was awarded two gold medals in 1990, one by the Botanical Society of South Africa, the Cythna Letty Gold medal for contributions to botanical illustrations in South Africa, and another by the South African Nurserymen’s Association.

Beaumont Botanical Gardens

The Beaumont Botanical Gardens (23.5 acres), also known as the Tyrrell Park Botanical Gardens, are botanical gardens and a conservatory located in Tyrrell Park at 6088 Babe Zaharias Drive, Beaumont, Texas, USA.

Brent Berlin

In 1968, Berlin, Breedlove and Raven studied the botanical ethnography of the Tzeltal Maya people of Chiapas, Mexico.

Burham Marsh

Botanical interest includes the rare marsh sow-thistle (Sonchus palustris) and marsh mallow (Althaea officinalis).

Calamus, Iowa

Calamus was named after Calamus creek, which received its name from the great quantities of sweet flag growing in it, from which the botanical name Acorus calamus, commonly called Sweet Flag or Calamus.

Charles Lemaire

Charles Antoine Lemaire (1800–1871), French botanist and botanical author

Clemenz Heinrich Wehdemann

With the British reoccupation of the Cape, he settled at Plettenberg Bay in the Eastern Cape, collecting botanical specimens for Joseph Mackrill (1762-1820), a practitioner with a special interest in medicinal plants.


Cystolith (Gr. "cavity" and "stone") is a botanical term for the inorganic concretions, usually of calcium carbonate, formed in a cellulose matrix in special cells called lithocysts, generally in the leaf of plants of certain families, e.g. Ficus elastica, the Indian rubber plant of the family Moraceae.

Daniel Rolander

Rolander's work was used by Christen Friis Rottbøll as the basis of botanical publications later in the 18th century.

Edward Lee Greene

Edward Lee Greene, Ph.D., (August 10, 1843 – November 10, 1915) was an American botanist known for his numerous publications including the two-part Landmarks of Botanical History and the naming or redescribing of over 4,400 species of plants in the American West.

Ferdinand Joseph L'Herminier

In 1832, Jean Baptiste Antoine Guillemin and George Samuel Perrottet named the botanical genus Herminiera after him.


, the standard author abbreviation used to indicate Michel Gandoger as the author when citing a botanical name

Georgiana Molloy

However in December 1836, she received a letter from Captain James Mangles, asking her to collect botanical specimens for him.

Gillian Condy

Gillian Condy, born 5 December 1952 Nairobi, is a South African botanical artist.

Guy de La Brosse

A physician to King Louis XIII of France, he is also notable for the creation of a major botanical garden of medicinal herbs, which was commissioned by the king.

Heinrich Gustav Mühlenbeck

Heinrich Gustav Mühlenbeck, name also given as Henri Gustave Muehlenbeck (2 June 1798, Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines – 21 November 1845, Mühlhausen) was an Alsatian physician and botanical collector known for his work with bryophytes.

Indian Museum

Out of one hundred seventy four items donated to the Museum till 1816, Nathaniel Wallich donated forty-two botanical specimens.

Jacob Bobart the Younger

He was born at Oxford, and succeeded his father as superintendent of the Physic Garden, and on the death of Dr. Robert Morison in 1683, lectured as botanical professor.

Jardín Botánico de Cienfuegos

Cienfuegos Province Botanical Garden, officially, Jardín Botánico de Cienfuegos, also known as Jardín Botónico Soledad, is located 14 kilometers from Cienfuegos city centre.

Jibou Botanical Garden

The works for the organization of the Botanical Garden from Jibou started between the years 1959-1968, when Vasile Fati (1932-2007), a biology teacher, with the students and with the other teachers manages to prove that the parks around Wesselényi Castle, where the high school was functioning is appropriate for a botanical garden.

Johan Siebke

Johan Siebke (17 June 1781 – 14 August 1857) was a Norwegian botanical gardener, and the founder of the Botanical Garden at Tøyen, Oslo.

Józef Warszewicz

In 1844, upon recommendation of Alexander von Humboldt, he was sent by Messrs. Van Houtte, a horticulturalist of Ghent, to join a Belgian colony in Guatemala, where he soon became an independent collector and wholesale supplier of plants to European horticulturalists and botanical gardens.

Karl August Otto Hoffmann

He also worked with the Madagascar collections of Christian Rutenberg and the botanical specimens collected by Friedrich Wilhelm Alexander von Mechow and Eduard Teusz in the interior of Angola.

Knuthenborg Safaripark

He then hired English landscape architect Edward Milner who, on the basis of plans completed in 1870, laid out a park for his world collection of rare botanical plants as well as the many rhododendrons which are also a great attraction to tourists.

Madagascan Pochard

The single male then encountered was captured and kept in the Antananarivo Botanical Gardens until its death one year later.

Mortola Inferiore

It is home to the Giardini Botanici Hanbury, or Hanbury botanical gardens, created in the 19th century by Sir Thomas Hanbury.

Mutius von Tommasini

In 1832 he accompanied Nicolas-Théodore de Saussure (1767-1845) on a botanical excursion through the Austrian Littoral region, and in 1837 with British botanist George Bentham (1800-1884) he performed studies in the regions of Carniola, Carinthia and Friuli.

Nelson's taxonomic arrangement of Adenanthos

The first known botanical collection of Adenanthos was made by Archibald Menzies during the September 1791 visit of the Vancouver Expedition to King George Sound on the south coast of Western Australia.

Otto Wilhelm Thomé

Otto Wilhelm Thomé (1840–1925) was a German botanist and botanical artist from Cologne best known for his compendium of botanical illustrations Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz in Wort und Bild für Schule und Haus (Flora of Germany, Austria and Switzerland in Word and Picture for School and Home) first of 4 volumes with a total of 572 botanical illustrations, published in 1885 in Gera, Germany.


The skin condition is a cutaneous phototoxic inflammatory eruption resulting from contact with light-sensitizing botanical substances—particularly from the plant families Umbelliferae, Rutaceae, Moraceae, and Leguminosae—and ultraviolet light, typically from sun exposure.

Pieter van Kouwenhoorn

Pieter van Kouwenhoorn aka Pieter Kouwenhoorn (1599 Haarlem - c21 May 1654 Leiden) (fl.1620s-1630s) was a Dutch botanical illustrator.

Prague 2

Important sights:Charles Square- the biggest square in Prague and also among the biggest squares in Europe - with the New City Hall / Gothic town hall, Church of Saints Cyril and Methodius, the Botanical Gardens and several Charles University buildingsin Albertov, as well as the Baroque Villa America.

Rhamnus lycioides

Its scientific name lycioides refers to its resemblance to the botanical genus Lycium.

Robert Kyd

Kyd made a request in his will that he be buried without any religious ceremony in the botanical garden that he founded, but was instead interred in South Park Street Cemetery.

Roland Trimen

Trimen was born the son of Richard and Mary Ann Esther Trimen and was the elder brother of Henry Trimen, botanist and director of the botanical gardens at Peradeniya, Ceylon.

Saints Constantine and Helena, Bulgaria

Constantine and Helena, the Euxinograd royal summer palace, park and winery, and the Sofia University Botanical Garden, also known as Ecopark Varna.

Soufrière Quarter

It boasts several attractions including a "drive-in" volcano, the Diamond Botanical Gardens with waterfall (briefly featured in the Superman II movie) and historic mineral baths, plus the nearby beaches of Anse Chastanet to the north and Malgretout to the south.

The North-West University Gallery

Two galleries at the Potchefstroom Campus regularly exhibit South African art: the Main Gallery and the NWU Botanical Garden Gallery.

Thillai Nataraja Temple, Chidambaram

The story of Chidambaram begins with Lord Shiva strolling into the Thillai Vanam (vanam meaning forest and thillai trees - botanical name Exocoeria agallocha, a species of mangrove trees - which currently grows in the Pichavaram wetlands near Chidambaram).

Trachycarpus latisectus

It is commonly known as Windamere palm, for the locality where its first botanical description was made, the garden of the famous Windamere Hotel in Darjeeling, India.

Ulava charu

In Telugu language, spoken locally, Ulava (singular)/Ulavalu (plural) means Horse gram, a legume with the botanical name Macrotyloma uniflorum and Charu or Chaaru means soup.

Ulmus 'Australis'

Henry also mentions specimens growing in botanical gardens at Le Mans and Bordeaux, and others growing as far south as Spizza (now Sutomore) in Dalmatia (Montenegro).

William Roxburgh

Carey and Wallich continued to work in the field of botany and in 1834, both Carey and Wallich contributed botanical specimens to the Royal Society for Agriculture and Botany's Winter Show in Ghent, Belgium.

Zanthoxylum americanum

In 2012, a Pennsylvania distillery introduced a bitters called Bartram's Bitters that uses prickly ash bark as one of several botanical ingredients.

Zilker Botanical Garden

The Botanical Garden was established as a non-profit organization in 1955, and is the centerpiece of Zilker Park.

see also