
unusual facts about Morel's ear

Morel's ear

Named after Bénédict Morel, a French psychiatrist who regarded it as one of the hereditary "stigmata of degeneration" that allowed medical professions to identify the mentally ill.

Agence France-Presse

In November 2013, AFP and Getty Images were ordered to pay $1.2 million compensation to freelance photojournalist Daniel Morel for using his images posted on Twitter related to the 2010 Haiti earthquake without his permission, in violation of copyright and Twitter's terms of service.

András Csáki

His first CD, My Favourite Pieces is released in 2009 containing compositions by Bach, Giuliani, Barrios, Morel, Farkas and Castelnuovo-Tedesco.

André Morel

After the war, on April 1, 1919, Morel was hired as a commercial inspector by Le Zèbre.

Between 1911 and 1914, Morel managed a mechanic workshop that repaired and sold automobiles and represented the brands Berliet and Le Zèbre.

Bénédict Morel

As Eugène Minkowski succinctly stated, 'An abyss separates Morel's démence précoce from that of Kraepelin.

Black morel

Morchella tomentosa M.Kuo (2008), the black foot morel

Charles Gabriel Morel d'Escures

Charles Gabriel Morel d'Escures (3 January 1751, Alençon – 13 July 1786, Baie des Français, Lituya, Alaska) was a French navigator and explorer and a member of the La Pérouse expedition (1 August 1785 to 13 July 1786) and of the Académie de Marine.

Charlotte Morel

Like e.g. Emmie Charayron, David Hauss and Laurent Vidal, Morel is also a member of the French Military Triathlon Team (Equipe de France militaire de triathlon EFM), which she joined in 2008 and which in summer 2010 moved from Montpellier to the Ecoles militaires de Draguignan (EMD) in Morel's native town.

As usual, Morel ended the season with the Indian Ocean Triathlon in Mauritius (23 November 2013), winning the gold medal together with her fiancé Frédéric Belaubre.

At the scenic Trans-Tahitienne triathlon in Tahiti (27 and 28 October 2012) Morel placed second with her fiancé Frédéric Belaubre, the winning couple being David Hauss and Melanie Hauss Annaheim.

Morel and the several times National and European champion Frédéric Belaubre, who is also part of the elite centre CREPS PACA in Boulouris and also represented the elite team of Beauvais (until 2011), are a couple.

Claudio Morel Rodríguez

Claudio Marcelo Morel Rodríguez (born 2 February 1978 in Asunción) is a Paraguayan footballer.

Cosgrove, Northamptonshire

rich plant community of limestone-loving plants such as the spotted cat's ear and fragrant orchid.

Denis Morel

On Saturday, October 16, 1993, in the Chicago Blackhawks-Winnipeg Jets game in Winnipeg, Morel was the referee who allowed the controversial overtime goal by Jets forward Nelson Emerson to stand.

Dietmar Feichtinger

After gaining initial experience with Prof. Huth, Prof. Giencke and Prof. Kada, he moved to Paris in 1989, working at Chaix/Morel where he was appointed associate architect and project manager.

Georges Moustaki

It was attended by his widow Annick Cozannec and their daughter Pia, the French Culture Minister Aurélie Filippetti and numerous personalities from the entertainment world - Guy Bedos, Véronique Genest, Maxime Le Forestier, Jacques Higelin, Brigitte Fontaine, Arthur H, Valérie Mairesse, Hervé Vilard, Irène Jacob, François Corbier, Cali, Sapho, Enrico Macias, François Morel, Costa Gavras.

Jean-Marie Morel

Morel never visited England, to see the English garden style, but his book profited from the published theories of Thomas Whately and Claude-Henri Watelet and from the experience he had gained from his close association with the marquis de Girardin at Ermenonville.

Joachim du Bellay

The chief source of his biography is his own poetry, especially the Latin elegy addressed to Jean de Morel, "Elegia ad Janum Morellum Ebredunensem, Pytadem suum," printed with a volume of Xenia (Paris, 1569).

Louis J. Roussel, Jr.

He married the former Lucy Cocchiarra (August 21, 1909–March 16, 2002), with whom he had two children, Charmaine Roussel Morel (born 1934) and Louis "Louie" Roussel III (born 1946).

M. esculenta

Morchella esculenta, the morel, yellow morel, common morel, true morel, morel mushroom or sponge morel, a mushroom species

Marguerite Morel

Morel performed in Copenhagen with her mother and her two sisters in the Du Londel Troupe until 1753, when the troupe was hired to perform in Sweden.

Martín Morel

In the summer 2010 Martin Morel signed for Colombian team Deportivo Cali.


Monomethylhydrazine is believed to be the main cause of the toxicity of Gyromitra genus mushrooms, especially the false morel (Gyromitra esculenta).

Morchella snyderi

The study, published in the journal Mycologia, resulted from the Morel Data Collection Project, which aimed to help clarify the taxonomy, biology, and distribution of morel species in North America.

Philip Schram

He worked with Fleurette Morel, the daughter of race driver André Morel, on telling her father’s story through a multi-dimensional concept not seen previously in the market.

Puerto Cabello

During the War of Jenkin's Ear, the commodore Charles Knowles at command of the 70-gun HMS Suffolk in 1743 received orders to carry out attacks on the Spanish settlements at Puerto Cabello and La Guaira.

René A. Morel

In 1999, Morel & Gradoux-Matt, Inc. was started to make room for another experienced luthier, Emmanuel Gradoux-Matt.

St Mary's Church, Hampstead

Marie Thérèse de France (19 December 1778–19 October 1851), the eldest (and last surviving) child of King Louis XVI of France and his wife, Queen Marie Antoinette, also known as the Duchess of Angoulême, was recorded as visiting the Abbé Morel in Hampstead on one occasion when in exile in England.

Virginie Morel-du Verger

Virginie Morel was born in Metz, and studied with Louis Adam at the Paris Conservatoire in 1814 where she received first prize in piano.

War of Jennifer's Ear

In the midst of the 1992 general election campaign, on 24 March, Labour ran a Party Election Broadcast about a five year old girl with glue ear who waited a year for the simple operation to insert vents.

see also