
unusual facts about War of Jennifer's Ear

War of Jennifer's Ear

In the midst of the 1992 general election campaign, on 24 March, Labour ran a Party Election Broadcast about a five year old girl with glue ear who waited a year for the simple operation to insert vents.

Cosgrove, Northamptonshire

rich plant community of limestone-loving plants such as the spotted cat's ear and fragrant orchid.

Morel's ear

Named after Bénédict Morel, a French psychiatrist who regarded it as one of the hereditary "stigmata of degeneration" that allowed medical professions to identify the mentally ill.

Puerto Cabello

During the War of Jenkin's Ear, the commodore Charles Knowles at command of the 70-gun HMS Suffolk in 1743 received orders to carry out attacks on the Spanish settlements at Puerto Cabello and La Guaira.

see also