
unusual facts about Mother Courage

Gisela May

The theatrical highlight in Brecht's stage work was her personification of Mother Courage.

Craig Vye

He was a member of the Big Spirit Youth Theatre starring in various roles such as Rosencrantz in Hamlet, Demetrius in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Eiliff in Mother Courage, Augustus in The Importance of Being Ernest, Ralph in The Lord of the Flies.

Helene Weigel

She is most noted for creating several Brecht roles, including: Pelagea Vlassova, The Mother of 1932; Antigone in Brecht's version of the Greek tragedy; the title role in his civil war play, Señora Carrar's Rifles; and the iconic Mother Courage.

Tsegaye Gabre-Medhin

Besides these compositions, Tsegaye translated Shakespeare (Hamlet and Othello being the most popular of these works), as well as Molière's "Tartouffe" and "Doctor Despite Himself", as well as Bertolt Brecht's "Mother Courage".

see also

Richard Schechner

With The Performance Group Schechner directed many productions including Dionysus in 69 based on Euripides' The Bacchae (1968), Makbeth based on Shakespeare's Macbeth (1969), Commune group devised piece (1970), Sam Shepard's The Tooth of Crime (1972), Bertolt Brecht's Mother Courage and Her Children (1975), David Gaard's The Marilyn Project (1975), Seneca's Oedipus (1977), Terry Curtis Fox's Cops (1978), and Jean Genet's The Balcony (1979).