John Zorn recorded an album of the same name inspired by the book and the teachings of Gurdjieff.
The Australian artist Imants Tillers created his own version of Mount Analog without having knowledge of Varo's previous work.
Mount Everest | Mount Vernon | Mount Kilimanjaro | Mount Pleasant | Mount Lebanon | Mount Athos | Mount Olympus | Temple Mount | Mount Fuji | Mount Rainier | Mount Celestia | Mount Shasta | Mount Kupe | Mount Hood | Mount Holyoke College | Mount St. Helens | Mount Sinai Hospital | Mount Sinai | Mount Kenya | Mount Airy | Mount Vesuvius | Mount Rushmore | Mount Kosciuszko | Mount Carmel | Mount Barker | Mount Panorama Circuit | Mount Isa | Mount Desert Island | Mount Cameroon | Mount Wilson Observatory |
For De Ketelfactory project space in Schiedam and for C.C.A. in Glasgow (Scotland) Madelon Hooykaas made the video installation and drawing Mount Analogue (2010), inspired by René Daumal's book Le Mont Analogue, on which Dorothea Franck wrote the essay Kunst en aandacht – Het beklimmen van Mount Analogue Art and Mindfulness – Climbing Mount Analogue.