The route passes by several portions of Warwick State Forest and through the town center, before passing Mount Grace and entering Winchester, New Hampshire as New Hampshire Route 78.
In 2000, Mount Grace was included in a study by the National Park Service for possible inclusion in a new National Scenic Trail; tentatively in 2007 the project was on course to be called the New England National Scenic Trail, which would include the Metacomet-Monadnock Trail in Massachusetts, and the Mattabesett and Metacomet trails in Connecticut.
Mount Everest | Mount Vernon | Mount Kilimanjaro | Grace Jones | Amazing Grace | Grace Kelly | Will & Grace | Mount Pleasant | Mount Lebanon | Mount Athos | Mount Olympus | Three Days Grace | Temple Mount | Mount Fuji | Mount Rainier | Grace Under Fire (TV series) | Grace Under Fire | Mount Celestia | Mount Shasta | Mount Kupe | Mount Hood | Mount Holyoke College | Havre de Grace, Maryland | Grace Moore | Mount St. Helens | Mount Sinai Hospital | Mount Sinai | Grace | W. G. Grace | Mount Kenya |
The priory was in the hands of the King in 1337, 1344, and 1346 on account of the wars with France, and in 1421 it was granted to the Carthusian priory of Mount Grace.