In addition, the city of Tacoma began allowing two excursion railroads to operate over portions of the line: the Chehalis–Centralia Railroad, which now operates from Chehalis west to Ruth, Washington (and as a result, operates on the now-restored tracks of the first Chehalis Western Railroad), and the 7-mile Mount Rainier Scenic Railroad, which operates between Tacoma and Morton.
The only other railroad activity the Weyerhaeuser Corporation tolerated was the development of the Mount Rainier Scenic Railroad.
Mount Everest | Mount Vernon | Baltimore and Ohio Railroad | Pennsylvania Railroad | Union Pacific Railroad | Mount Kilimanjaro | Underground Railroad | New York Central Railroad | Mount Pleasant | Mount Lebanon | Mount Athos | Mount Olympus | Temple Mount | Mount Fuji | Alaska Railroad | Mount Rainier | Rainier III, Prince of Monaco | Mount Celestia | Erie Railroad | Mount Shasta | Mount Kupe | Mount Hood | Mount Holyoke College | Central Pacific Railroad | Mount St. Helens | Mount Sinai Hospital | Mount Sinai | Illinois Central Railroad | First Transcontinental Railroad | Mount Kenya |