
3 unusual facts about Mozart and the Whale

Crazy in Love

Mozart and the Whale, a title for some parts of Europe, a 2005 film starring Josh Hartnett

Petter Næss

Næss is best known for his work directing two of the three films about Ingvar Ambjørnsen's Elling character, Elling (2000), which was nominated for the foreign language film Oscar and Elsk meg i morgen (Love Me Tomorrow), (2005), in addition to Just Bea (2003), Mozart and the Whale (2005) and Hoppet (The Jump, 2007) in Sweden.

Sociological and cultural aspects of autism

For example, in the movie Mozart and the Whale (2005), the opening scene gives four clues that a leading character has Asperger syndrome, and two of these clues are extraordinary savant skills.

see also