
2 unusual facts about Muhammad Salih

Erk/Liberty Democratic Party

Famous poet Muhammad Salih was elected as the Leader of the party, who was the Chairman of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan at the time; as a vice-chairman of the party was elected Atanazar Arif, physicist (at the next party meeting this post was replaced with the new posts of General Secretary and Secretaries of the Central Committee of the party), who was vice-chairman of the trade union committee of the Tashkent Polytechnics Institute.

Muhammad Salih

He is a descendant of the well-known aristocratic family Khorezm Beks.

see also

Muhammad Salih Baraghani

Muhammad Salih Baraghani (born 1753) was one of three or four brothers from Baraghan who all established themselves as leading mujtahids in Qazvin.