In May 1982, Muktananda appointed two successors as joint leaders of the movement, Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, his former translator, and her brother Mahamandaleshwar Nityananda, who later resigned and formed his own group.
Expounded in more detail, Muktananda glosses the second half of the verse as describing an "aspect of God, the inner Self", and meaning "Dwelling in everything as its inmost essence, the basis of love, supremely blissful, free from occupations and agitations (nishprapanchaya shantaya), he needs no other support (niralambaya) and yet he sustains and supports all.".
He gave sannyasa to Swami Muktananda who studied at his ashram in Hubli until Siddharudha's 1929 death, when he then left to study with a disciple of Siddharudha called Muppinarya Swami at his Airani Hale Matha.