
unusual facts about sannyasa


Protima Bedi

In her autobiography, Timepass, based on her journals and letters, collated and published by her daughter, Pooja Bedi in 2000, she gives a candid account of all her relationships, her rebellious lifestyle, her family life, the birth of her dream project, Nrityagram, and her eventual transition into a sanyasin, towards the end of her life, when she retired from public life and wanted to explore the Himalayas.

Ram Kishor Ji Maharaj

At the age of 9, he was initiated into Sannyasa by the Ramsnehi saint Pandit Ji Sant Shri KaarajRamji at Gangapur, Rajasthan.

Satsvarupa dasa Goswami

He accepted sannyasa along with other GBC members, all of whom were originally married man, such as Tamal Krishna Goswami and Hridayananda dasa Goswami.

Satyananda Saraswati

Sivananda gave him the name Satyananda Saraswati and initiated him as a Paramahamsa sannyasin of the Dashnama sannyasa order, on the banks of the river Ganges on 12 September 1947.

Siddharudha Swami

He gave sannyasa to Swami Muktananda who studied at his ashram in Hubli until Siddharudha's 1929 death, when he then left to study with a disciple of Siddharudha called Muppinarya Swami at his Airani Hale Matha.

Swami Atmasthananda

In 1945, Swami Virajananda, the then President of the Order, gave him Brahmacharya vows, and in 1949 Sannyasa vows and the name Atmasthananda.

Tamala Krishna Goswami

In January 1972, he accepted the renounced order of life sannyasa in Jaipur.

see also