
5 unusual facts about Mustafa Güngör

Claus-Peter Bach

Bach came under criticism when he promised four German rugby players, Raphael Pyrasch, Mustafa Güngör, Fabian Heimpel and Bastian Himmer, that they could join the Sportkompanie of the Bundeswehr, a special sports unit within the German Army.

Mustafa Güngör

Güngör became the new captain of Germany's XV on 8 December 2009, after the retirement of the previous captain Jens Schmidt, and played his first game in this position four days later, against Hong Kong.

Güngör, born in Aachen of Turkish descent, began playing rugby when he was nine years old in 1990.

TV Pforzheim

In the 2010–12 campaign, Mustafa Güngör, Carlos Soteras Merz and Callum Sauer were selected from the club as German internationals.

The club was able to recruit former German and RG Heidelberg captain Mustafa Güngör after the opening round of the season as a player.

RG Heidelberg

In Germany's 2006–08 European Nations Cup campaign, Mustafa Güngör, Christopher Weselek, Edmoore Takaendesa, Tim Coly, Manuel Wilhelm, Sebastian Werle, Kehoma Brenner, Tim Kasten and Steffen Thier were called up for the national team while being on the clubs roster.

see also