Despite an exclusively low budget (70 USD), the first work of the duet, the movie “Dances for those …” immediately got into the rigid rotation on MTV Russia, Muz-TV and other Russian television channels.
The major issue is a repetitive list of nominees, for example, Zveri have been awarded "Best rock act" six times in a row, and Dima Bilan became "Artist of the Year" five times in six years.
The duo's first locations were Chişinău, Moldova, where they appeared on the Muz-TV music channel, going on then to Belgium, Portugal and Greece.
Muz-TV | Julie Atlas Muz | MuZ |
Suter developed, in cooperation with Swissauto, the Muz 500 bike, in particular the chassis design and concept for the 1999 season, after the MuZ team decided to cease using the ROC frame.
Mladý muž a bílá velryba: Malý chemický epos is a Czech novel, written by Vladimír Páral.
Czech country singer Pavel Bobek covered the song as Muž na konci světa (Man at the end of the world) in 2002, with completely different lyrics in Czech language.