The Bollywood remake will be co-produced by UTV Movies and director-turned-producer Imtiaz Ali, and directed by choreographer Bosco (of Bosco-Caesar fame), with Sushant Singh Rajput as the male lead.
free agent | Agent Orange | agent | Talent agent | double agent | Girlfriend | literary agent | Political Agent | Free agent | Paranoia Agent | Agent Cody Banks | The Secret Agent | Secret Agent X-9 | MRI contrast agent | Girlfriend/Boyfriend | Girlfriend (band) | Fear Agent | Agent Provocateur | Thickening agent | The Station Agent | station agent | Moscow hostage crisis chemical agent | John Johnston (Indian Agent) | Invisible Agent | If I Was Your Girlfriend | Girlfriend (Billie song) | Girlfriend (Avril Lavigne song) | General Agent | Forté Agent | Election agent |