M4 flame fuel thickening compound is a nonhygroscopic thickener, adi-acid aluminum soap of isooctanoic acids derived from isooctyl alcohol or isooctyl aldehyd, which are obtained from the oxidization of petroleum.
If the stew is allowed to cool, the broth may turn into a jelly, resulting in an interesting texture.
Thickening agents can also be used when medical condition such as Dysphagia cause individuals difficulty when swallowing.
free agent | Agent Orange | agent | Talent agent | double agent | literary agent | Political Agent | Free agent | Paranoia Agent | Agent Cody Banks | The Secret Agent | Secret Agent X-9 | MRI contrast agent | Fear Agent | Agent Provocateur | Thickening agent | The Station Agent | station agent | Moscow hostage crisis chemical agent | John Johnston (Indian Agent) | Invisible Agent | General Agent | Forté Agent | Election agent | Confidential Agent | Chemical Agent Resistant Coating | Bacteriostatic agent | Alkylating antineoplastic agent | Agent to the Stars | Agent Provocateur (lingerie) |
Roux, in cooking, a thickening agent, correct spelling is Roux