The AltaRock Energy effort is a demonstration project being conducted to prove out the company's proprietary technology at the site of an existing geothermal project owned and operated by NCPA in The Geysers, and does not include power generation.
Some of these are: at National Center for the Performing Arts (NCPA) - Mumbai, Swami Haridas Sangeet Sammelan - Mumbai, Vasantrao Chandorkar Smriti Pratisthan - Jalgaon, Kal Ke Kalakar Sangeet Sammelan - Mumbai, Indian Classical Music Young Talents' Conference - Kolkata, Swar-Sadhana Samiti - Mumbai, Uttarpara Sangeet Chakra Annual Music Conference (Kolkata), India International Center (Delhi) and many others.
His opera A Village Teacher (2009) was announced as the first "realistic" opera produced by the NCPA and CNOH.
Her folk-music based opera The Ballad of Canal (2012) was the first modern opera based on folk music themes produced by the NCPA.