
8 unusual facts about Nanotechnology

Blood–brain barrier

Nanotechnology may also help in the transfer of drugs across the BBB.

Chad Mirkin

He is the George B. Rathmann Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Medicine, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, and Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering, and Director of the International Institute for Nanotechnology and Center for Nanofabrication and Molecular Self-Assembly at Northwestern University.

Craig L. Hill

Professor Hill’s research encompasses fundamental structural and reactivity studies, Catalysis, functional nanomaterials (Nanotechnology), antiviral chemotherapy and solar energy conversion (Artificial Photosynthesis).

David Wendell

In September 2009, their subsequent paper, “Translocation of double-stranded DNA through membrane-adapted phi29 motor protein nanopores,” appeared in the Journal Nature Nanotechnology.

Eden: the Deceit

Eden is an artificial world, created by the last vestiges of an alien race and shaped, through Nanotechnology, in image and likeness of their original planet.

James Gimzewski

He received the 1997 Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology, the 1997 The Discover Award for Emerging Fields, the 1998 'Wires 25' Award from Wired magazine and the Institute of Physics "Duddell" 2001 prize and medal for his work in nanoscale science.


Bionics or biomimicry seeks to apply biological methods and systems found in nature, to the study and design of engineering systems and modern technology.

Nathaniel Chisholm

Nathaniel Chisholm (born July 22, 1963, Tuskegee, Alabama) is an American engineer known for fundamental research into nano materials and structural nanocomposites.

Allinea Distributed Debugging Tool

The Pawsey Centre supercomputers in Australia, which support research into geosciences, astronomy, nanotechnology and biosciences and two major radio telescope projects – the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) and the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA), processing their data in real time.

American Biotech

is a privately held silver nanotechnology company that is based in Alpine, Utah.

Atlantic Philanthropies

In Australia, AP has invested up to $250m and is one of the key benefactors to the University of Queensland, funding a project to build the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN).

Atlantis Found

The plan that ultimately comes to light: the villains intend to use nanotechnology to separate the Ross Ice Shelf from the Antarctic mainland in order to unbalance the planet and create a catastrophe that they can ride out in their superships.

Atomistix ToolKit

Atomistix ToolKit (ATK) is a commercial software for atomic-scale modeling and simulation of nanosystems.

Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Chemical studies are now applied to industry, restoration and materials engineering, with a particular focus on nanotechnologies and biotechnologies.

Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance

The report contains descriptions and commentaries on the state of the science and technology of the combined fields of nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive science (NBIC) by major contributors to these fields.


In recognition of the unique role that the town has come to play as an international magnet for global leaders in nanotechnology, and as host of the NanoGagliato events, Gagliato has received the official appellation of “Paese delle NanoScienze”, town of Nanosciences, attributed by the City Council.

Ilesanmi Adesida

He has held posts as director of the Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, director of the Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory, professor of materials science and engineering, professor of electrical and computer engineering, professor of the Beckman Institute of Advanced Science and Technology and research professor of the Coordinated Science Laboratory, all at the University of Illinois.


Karl James Jalkanen, PhD (Chassell, Michigan, 1958-) is a researcher in Molecular Biophysics at the Technical University of Denmark in the Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology.

James R. Von Ehr II

Von Ehr is the former chief executive of Zyvex corporation, the world first molecular nanotechnology company, which he founded in 1997, and which later split into four branches (Zyvex Technologies, Zyvex Instruments (acquired by DCG Systems, Inc.), Zyvex Labs, and Zyvex Asia), and current CEO of Zyvex Labs and chairman of Zyvex Technologies.

John Pethica

As of February 2005, it has been announced that Pethica will be the director of 'Naughton Institute' which will house CRANN, a new purpose built nanotechnology centre in Trinity College Dublin.

Judith Merkle Riley

Her father, Theodore Charles Merkle, ran Project Pluto, and her brother Ralph is a pioneer in public key cryptography, and more recently a researcher and speaker on molecular nanotechnology and cryonics.

Kid Amazo

As Amazo, merely an advanced robot, failed, the next approach would be to cross bio-mechanical material from Amazo's body with human ova and DNA, in order to obtain a cyborg being who would exhibit the best traits of both human and artificial life.

Mamadsho Ilolov

In January 2008, Ilolov held a press conference in Dushanbe to announce the creation of a new nanotechnology branch of the Tajik Academy of Science.


Jack Andraka, an American teenage prodigy, claimed to have developed a cheap and quick test for pancreatic, ovarian and lung cancer based on detecting mesothelin using nanotechnology.

Miguel José Yacamán

Miguel José Yacamán (born 1946 in Córdoba, Veracruz) is a Mexican physicist who has made many contributions to the field of nanotechnology.


Chad Mirkin, a professor of chemistry, materials science and engineering, and nanotechnology at Northwestern University, Evanston

Molecular nanotechnology

In the manga series Battle Angel Alita the scientist Desty Nova has specialized in molecular nanotechnology.

Morphological freedom

The term may have been coined by strategic philosopher Max More in his 1993 article, Technological Self-Transformation: Expanding Personal Extropy, where he defined it as "the ability to alter bodily form at will through technologies such as surgery, genetic engineering, nanotechnology, uploading".

Nano Letters

Physical, chemical, and biological phenomena related to nanoscience and nanotechnology are part of this focus.


In 2005, NanoWorld Holding AG from Schaffhausen, Switzerland, acquired and integrated NanoAndMore into the NanoWorld group composed of Nanotechnology companies.

Naoki Yokoyama

He joined the Semiconductor Devices Laboratory of Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. in 1973, where he was subsequently named a Fellow and General Manager of its Nanotechnology Research Center in 2000.

Olaf Karthaus

Olaf Karthaus (born 1963 in Koblenz) is a German polymer chemist and Professor at the Chitose Institute of Science and Technology in Chitose, Hokkaidō, Japan, researching polymer chemistry, thin films, photonics, and nanotechnology.

R. Byron Pipes

During this time, he conducted research on carbon nanotechnology at the NASA Langley Research Center.

Shizuoka University

In 2004, the Institute launched its Research and Education Center of Nanovision Science as part of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science's 21st Century Center of Excellence (COE) Program, and is playing a central role in the development of the new nanotechnology-based imaging science.

Societal impact of nanotechnology

For example, two corporations, NEC and IBM, hold the basic patents on carbon nanotubes, one of the current cornerstones of nanotechnology.

The X-Files Mythology, Volume 3 – Colonization

The culprit is revealed to be Alex Krycek (Nicholas Lea), a rogue FBI agent who formerly worked for the Syndicate, who continues to control the potentially debilitating nanotechnology in Skinner's system in order to achieve his goals.

University of Puerto Rico

On October 15, 2010 the University of Puerto Rico was awarded over $25 million from National Science Foundation to support research in nanotechnology.

see also