The ensemble consists of 20 musicians currently, most having attended professional training at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts.
Neither Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts nor the Lasalle-SIA College of the Arts offerd life drawing classes, and the conservative Singapore art market did not favour nude-themed art for fear of offending those with an aversion for nudity.
On March 15 1991, the art group opened their first public artshow Figurama, organized by the Nrityalaya Aesthetics Society at the gallery of the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts.
On his return to China, he approached Mr Lim Hak Tai and persuaded him to establish the first arts school in Singapore.
He briefly headed the Department of Theatre in Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, but later left the post in order to devote more time to his craft.
Bachelor of Arts | Academy Awards | United States Military Academy | Russian Academy of Sciences | Master of Arts (postgraduate) | National Endowment for the Arts | Master of Arts | National Academy of Sciences | American Academy of Arts and Sciences | Electronic Arts | Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film | United States Naval Academy | United States Air Force Academy | Museum of Fine Arts, Boston | Royal Academy of Music | Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences | Tisch School of the Arts | mixed martial arts | Brooklyn Academy of Music | Phillips Academy | Institute of Contemporary Arts | École des Beaux-Arts | California Institute of the Arts | Royal Military Academy Sandhurst | Phillips Exeter Academy | Chinese Academy of Sciences | British Academy of Film and Television Arts | National Academy of Engineering | École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts | University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna |
« Remembering Henri Huet, the Young Veteran », by Raphaël Millet, catalogue of the exhibition Requiem, Singapore, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA), in partnership with Month of Photography Asia, July 2011, pp.
« Remembering Henri Huet, the Young Veteran », catalogue of the exhibition Requiem, Singapore, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA), in partnership with Month of Photography Asia, July 2011, pp.