The plot revolves around Bubuy (voiced by Nash Aguas) who is out to save his abducted grandparents in the land of Elementalia, a magical and mystical world that houses many of the Philippines' mythical creatures and other enchanted elements.
: The plot revolves around Bubuy (Nash Aguas) who is out to save his abducted grandparents in the land of Elementalia, a magical and mystical world that houses many of the Philippines' mythical creatures and other enchanted elements.It features a friendly Vegetarian Manananggal named Anna (Katrina Legaspi), relating her to a different species of bat which is a fruit bat, as opposed the blood thirsty ones based on the folklore.
Graham Nash | Nash Bridges | Ogden Nash | Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young | Steve Nash | Nash Motors | Nash Edgerton | Clarence Nash | Nash | Leigh Nash | Nash Aguas | Kevin Nash | Walter Nash | John Nash | Dion Nash | Christopher Columbus Nash | Alanna Nash | Aguas Verdes | Águas de Lindóia | Susie Nash | Nash Entertainment | Nash embedding theorem | Marcus Nash | Malcolm Nash | Joseph Nash | James Nash (racing driver) | James Nash | Bruce Nash | Brendon Nash | Beau Nash |