
unusual facts about Nasreddin


Alice Geer Kelsey

Her children's story, Once the Hodja (1943), with illustrations by Frank Dobias, retold stories about the Turkish folk hero Nasreddin.

The miller, his son and the donkey

Many Nasreddin tales are also told of Goha in the Arab world, and sure enough, Goha features in a similar story, popular as a subject for the patchwork story cloths of the tentmakers of the Street of Tentmakers (Sharia al Khiyamiya) in Cairo.

The Uncommon Sense of the Immortal Mullah Nasruddin

The Uncommon Sense of the Immortal Mullah Nasruddin is the title of a 2010 book of folkloric stories collected and retold by Ron Suresha, published by Lethe Press, about the folk character Nasreddin.

see also