
unusual facts about The miller, his son and the donkey

Tales of Count Lucanor

Tale 23, What happened to a good Man and his Son, leading a beast to market is the familiar fable The miller, his son and the donkey.

Greg Irons

One of his books was a coloring-book format illustration of Chaucer's "The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale" which was issued with "The Miller's Tale" illustrated by Gilbert Shelton.

The miller, his son and the donkey

Many Nasreddin tales are also told of Goha in the Arab world, and sure enough, Goha features in a similar story, popular as a subject for the patchwork story cloths of the tentmakers of the Street of Tentmakers (Sharia al Khiyamiya) in Cairo.

The Miller's Daughter

Fair Em or Fair Em, the Miller's Daughter of Manchester, Elizabethan era stage play

see also