The home later became known as the Nathan Appleton Residence or Appleton-Parker House, in combined recondition with its neighbor, #39, and home of Parkers early business partner and friend Nathan Appleton.
In 1819, Nathan Appleton and business partner Daniel Pinckney Parker bought a home that had been standing on the property and tore it down.
Nathan Bedford Forrest | Nathan Lane | Appleton, Wisconsin | Nathan Hale | Appleton | Nathan Milstein | Starboy Nathan | Nathan | Nathan Fillion | Rutherford Appleton Laboratory | Nathan the Wise | Nathan Englander | Nicole Appleton | Nathan's Famous | Nathan Mayer Rothschild | Nathan East | Nathan Appleton | Lionel Nathan de Rothschild | D. Appleton & Company | Nathan Scott | Nathan Phillips Square | Nathan Phillips | Nathan Lawr | Nathan Carter | Nathan Barley | Jon Appleton | John Nathan-Turner | Berghof (residence) | William Nathan Wrighte Hewett | William Appleton Potter |