Shortfuse attained a reputation for presenting an eclectic fusion of stand-up poetry, performance comedy and music, and regularly presenting up-and-coming performers alongside established names such as John Hegley, Stewart Lee, Kevin Eldon and Simon Munnery, as well as forging working links with performers across the US, Canada and Europe.
Nathan Penlington currently performs at venues and festivals across the UK, Europe and the US, and has shared stages with performers such as John Cooper Clarke, Ricky Gervais and Phill Jupitus.
Nathan Bedford Forrest | Nathan Lane | Nathan Hale | Nathan Milstein | Starboy Nathan | Nathan | Nathan Fillion | Nathan the Wise | Nathan Englander | Nathan's Famous | Nathan Mayer Rothschild | Nathan East | Nathan Appleton | Lionel Nathan de Rothschild | Nathan Scott | Nathan Phillips Square | Nathan Phillips | Nathan Lawr | Nathan Carter | Nathan Barley | John Nathan-Turner | William Nathan Wrighte Hewett | Nathan Zuckerman | Nathan Stoltzfus | Nathan Rennie | Nathan (prophet) | Nathan Parseghian | Nathan Mumm | Nathan McCullum | Nathan George Evans |