The play was directed by Nathaniel Lees, co-written by Oscar Kightley and Dave Fane, dramaturg by Maori playwright Hone Kouka, producer Makerita Urale, set designers Kate Peters and artist Michel Tuffery and lighting design by Ivan Morandi.
Lees was the director of the award winning play Think of a Garden written by John Kneubuhl, produced by Cath Cardiff and performed at Taki Rua Theatre in Wellington 1995.
He got his first acting job because of "being brown", as the theatre required brown people running around on stage killing Captain Cook.
Nathaniel Hawthorne | Nathaniel Lyon | Nathaniel P. Banks | Nathaniel Bowditch | Nathaniel Philbrick | Nathaniel Dance | James Lees-Milne | Gene Lees | Nathaniel Westlake | Nathaniel Rosen | Nathaniel Wallich | Nathaniel Parker Willis | Nathaniel Lardner | Nathaniel Kahn | Nathaniel Peabody Rogers | Nathaniel L. Carpenter | Nathaniel Kern | Nathaniel Heckford | Nathaniel Greene | Nathaniel Bacon | Alex Lees | Nathaniel W. Watkins | Nathaniel Wheeler | Nathaniel T. Oaks | Nathaniel Thayer | Nathaniel Stookey | Nathaniel P. Hill | Nathaniel Philip Rothschild | Nathaniel Morton | Nathaniel Merrill |