
4 unusual facts about Navigation Acts

Desjardins Canal

An added incentive was the fact that the liberalization of the British Navigation Acts in the 1820s meant that certain U.S. products could be exported from Canada as though they had originated there, allowing the U.S. Midwest to share in Colonial preferences and attracting additional trade from this source.

Navigation Acts

The English naval victories in 1653 (the Battle of Portland, the Battle of the Gabbard and the Battle of Scheveningen) showed the supremacy of the Commonwealth navy in home waters.

Israel, J.I., "England's Mercantilist Response to Dutch World Trade Primacy, 1647–74," in: Conflicts of Empires.

Quantico Creek

Scottish settlers then established a settlement and port on the estuary of Quantico Creek downstream after the bars to Virginia's profitable tobacco trade were lifted by the Navigation Law of 1707.

Paulus van de Perre

In 1651 he, together with Jacob Cats and Gerard Pietersz. Schaep, was sent to England to negotiate with the government of the Commonwealth about the renewal of a commercial treaty of 1496, the repeal of the first Navigation Act, and a number of other points of friction.

see also