
4 unusual facts about Neanderthal

Homo rhodesiensis

It was described as having a broad face similar to Homo neanderthalensis (i.e. large nose and thick protruding brow ridges), and has been interpreted as an "African Neanderthal".

Neanderthal station

As Neanderthal man, which was originally found in the area, and the nearby Neanderthal Museum have continued to be spelled in the old way, the spelling of the station is unchanged.

Prehistoric Ice Man

Despite this, Mephisto treats him as a Neanderthal and is unable to understand him, even though he speaks perfect English.

The Armstrong and Miller Show

Two Neanderthals who negotiate their way anachronistically through modern social difficulties such as job interviews and baby naming.

C. Loring Brace

In 1962, Brace published a paper in American Anthropologist titled "Refocusing on the Neanderthal Problem" where he argued, in opposition to French anthropologist Henri Vallois, that the archeological and fossil evidence did not necessarily support the idea that the Neanderthals were replaced by Cro-Magnon populations migrating into Europe, rather than being ancestral to early Homo sapiens.

Dance of the Tiger

Kurtén wasn't the first novelist to examine the subject, for instance author William Golding also examined the issue of Neanderthal extinction in The Inheritors.

History of the Levant

It would appear this sets the date by which Homo sapiens Upper Paleolithic cultures begin replacing Neanderthal Levalo-Mousterian, and by c.

Homer Alone

The scene freezes, during which Bart and Homer's scientific names are given as Brat'us Don'thaveacow'us and Homo Neanderthal'us respectively.


The nuclear DNA results indicate about 30% of derived alleles in H. sapiens are also in the Neanderthal lineage.

Mike Fleming

CST on WREC, were reserved for the city government, in particular Mayor W. W. Herenton and House Speaker Jimmy Naifeh, whom he routinely referred to as "King Willie" and "Neanderthal Naifeh" for their alleged abuses of government and ethical violations.

Neanderthal station

It is located in the Neandertal (Neander valley), which prior to the German spelling reform of 1901 was spelled as Neanderthal.

Peștera cu Oase

This mosaic of Neanderthal and modern human resembles similar traits found in a 25,000 years old fossil of a child in Abrigo do Lagar Velho or in the 31,000 years old site of Mladeč, by Cidália Duarte, et al. (1999).

Pissed Happy Children

They would later go on to form other bands in the powerviolence and noise genres including: Cyclops, Neanderthal, Charred Remains, Man Is the Bastard and Bastard Noise.

Ralph Solecki

He is a former member of the faculty at Columbia University (1959–1988), and his best-known excavations were at the Neanderthal site at Shanidar Cave in Iraq.

Star King

According to Kirth Gersen, their development on their homeworld, which they call "Ghnarumen" (Lambda Gruis III), was profoundly influenced by the artificial introduction of Neanderthal men in prehistory.

The Neanderthal Parallax

The initial contact between the two worlds takes place at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory in Sudbury, Ontario, which is also the location of a scientific research facility in the Neanderthal world.

To Your Scattered Bodies Go

Burton quickly attracts a group of companions: the neanderthal Kazzintuitraabemss (nicknamed Kazz), the science fiction author Peter Jairus Frigate, and Alice Liddell.

Vanguard Cave

Carcasses of seals were brought to the cave and comparison with Neanderthal sites at Capellades in Catalonia indicate that after being hunted they were butchered in the cave.

see also